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It's time to feel better

Time to stop accepting that you have to accept these things as your "normal"

Low energy

Poor digestion

Hormonal imbalance

Lack of sleep

Brain fog

Emotional eating


I believe that it is in your power to transform your health. But like all great journeys things are easier when you have a guide. I would be honored to be your guide.

Wherever you are starting, whatever challenge has brought you here, I want you to know one thing, it is not your fault. But, it is your responsibility. I can help you learn how to be an explorer of your own health to discover what really works for YOU. Your approach to health should be as unique as you.

transform & Thrive

everything is connected


Explore how to create time for yourself, your health, and your future. It's time to shift your focus away from what you are eating and land on how you are eating.


One-on-one coaching provides you a safe space where you can explore your health challenges, what they are trying to tell you, and how to transcend them.


When you nourish your body and mind—with the highest quality foods—you empower yourself to live a better quality of life. Too many are suffering needlessly. It's time to make a change.

About Me.

Before I started exploring my own health journey I felt miserable about 90% of the time.

I was irritable, moody, unsatisfied with my body, mean to myself, judgmental of others—

it wasn't good, and I was tired of it. I knew that there had to be something that I

could do for my health, but what?!


I started by focusing on one thing—the quality of what I was eating. Profound things

started unfolding. I started to enjoy life. My bad mood went away (my husband is extremely

grateful for this). My daily groans over aches and pains grew silent because there was nothing

to groan about. 


People started noticing and asking me what I was doing. I started helping them and they started feeling better. But there was still something missing. Even with an easy to follow nutritional approach so many of us came upon a great big wall that slowed or even halted our health journey. 


Our health is about so much more than nutrients (even though that is a very important part!). Everything around us and in us affects our health—our thoughts, our past, our environment. What is inside of us is that missing piece.


That is why I became a health guide. Because each one of us is a beautiful being with an epic story, but sometimes we need someone to help us navigate over the walls so that we can discover what is on the other side.

Explorer and Participant

"I'm almost 70 years old, and in my 69 years this is the first class (The Power of Slowing Down) I have taken that I understood!"

Explorer and Participant

"I found myself wishing everyone I loved could take this class. Kami is such a genuine teacher and she lays out the information in a way that simply supports the end goal of slowing down. I learned ways to recognize when I'm racing through life as well as solid coping mechanisms for dealing with the chaos in today's world as well as the chaos of my own mind. Kami is a real friend seeking to help each of her students achieve their best slowing down. Thank you Kami."

Explorer and Participant

"Kami takes what you may think you know and has you put it into practice to realize the benefits of slowing down and being present. She does this in a warm and heartfelt way that draws you in. Would definitely recommend her course and coaching services."

Choose Your Own Adventure


The Power of Slowing Down

This 8-part virtual course focuses on the power of how you eat.

In this class you will learn eight techniques that will help you start your health journey on the right foot.


One-on-one Personalized Coaching

Your health exploration can lead you to some new and unexpected places. And without a guide these can be difficult to navigate. 

But together we can discover the beautiful destinations of your life. 


Pack the Right Tools for Your Journey

Every great journey includes food! You want to make sure that you have food that will fill you up, give you energy, and keep you going. Ditch the food rules and embrace quality nutrition that you enjoy.

Coaching by Kami Chartier

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